Working Lands Projects
"In God we trust...all others bring data."
- W Deming & M Bloomberg
The Working Lands group is committed to supporting the ranchers and farmers who create the wide opens spaces on private lands in Paradise Valley and throughout Park County.
Park County is limited by its short growing season and reduced growing degree days. Wheat and barley are mostly grown in the Shields Valley and it is not uncommon for harvesting to be completed in December. Many hay fields yield only one harvest per year with a second harvest influenced by increasing elk numbers. Paradise Valley is predominantly a beef cattle/hay production model with some grain grown during renovation years. There are two small dairies 6 in Paradise Valley. In the early 20th century many more sheep were raised (135,000 sheep and lambs were tallied in 1935).
Agriculture and ranching are important aspects of the Upper Yellowstone Watershed. Farmers and ranchers create wide open spaces. They also produce food. We strive to do this in a sustainable way - i.e. managing the quality of life in our community in such a way that the economic, social and environmental systems that make up our community are providing a healthy, productive, meaningful life for all residents, present and future. We call this the triple bottom line: people, profit, and planet.
Our various projects involve soil, water, wildlife and livestock in collaboration with the local community, technology companies and researchers.
Data is regularly gathered and published online re: soil quality, invasive weeds, evapotranspiration rates, vegetative growth rates, and livestock/ungulate/predator interaction...among other things. You can read more about each of these areas by clicking on any of the following links.
Park County Ag Statistics