Working Lands, Open Spaces & Clean Water in the Upper Yellowstone Watershed
Those are the values of the Upper Yellowstone Watershed Group. That's what we do. As local citizens, we passionately pursue them out of love for the Upper Yellowstone Watershed...and our obligation to leave it better and more sustainable than we found it for the coming generations...no matter the species.
The Yellowstone River stretches over 670 miles and is the longest free-flowing river in the lower 48 states...

Agriculture & Open Spaces
Our farming and ranching members work together to preserve wide open spaces, healthy soils, sustainable water use, and profitable business operations through innovative technologies.
Many of our Working Lands projects involves profitable regenerative agricultural practices and technology solutions for managing livestock and wildlife.
Clean Water, Air & Recreation
Our tourism and recreation businesses, alongside private land owners, work together to protect water quality and quantity for future generations of fish, wildlife & people.
Our various Watershed Projects focus on gathering data on water quality and quantity and its various uses so as to protect the quality of the water and the experiences for all.
Wildlife & Forests
Our businesses and citizens are surrounded by some of the largest expanses of public lands in North America. We work on various projects that support the fisheries and wildlife of this region and those who live and work here, dependent on the value it brings.
We focus our projects in three categories. Click on the buttons to the right to learn more.