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As part of our on-going efforts to bring innovative conservation solutions to Paradise Valley, PERC and the UYWG are working to pioneer market-based tools, such as Elk Occupancy Agreements and a Brucellosis Compensation Fund, to help ranchers who are providing winter range habitat for elk. One type of Elk Occupancy Agreement that is being implemented in the valley is a Payment for Presence program that would use game cameras and artificial intelligence to help document the number of elk on a ranch. That information would trigger a privately raised daily "elk rent" payment to the rancher when there is a herd of elk utilizing the ranch for habitat. Payment for Presence programs for conserving elk and other species offers an alternative for supporting habitat conservation while acknowledging (and at least partially compensating) the direct and indirect costs to ranchers.


PERC has teamed up with Grizzly Systems, a Montana-based tech innovator of "no grass" camera traps that don't take pictures of "grass blowing in the wind" and an AI software platform that makes it possible to manage thousands of cameras, and millions of photos, at scale while significantly reducing labor costs and time.​

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