C. Participation and Membership (DRAFT, adapted from existing bylaws).
Other interested individuals who support the goals of the UYWG are invited to participate in the meetings and activities of the organization. Citizens who actively live and/or work within the Paradise Valley/Gardiner Basin of the Upper Yellowstone River Watershed, from Gardiner downstream to Carter’s Bridge are considered members for purposes of setting priorities and governance. It will be the stated goal of the organization to decide all issues presented by general consensus. If a counted vote is necessary, a super majority of 75% of all members present at the time of voting will be required to pass the issue.
D. Governance (DRAFT, adapted from existing bylaws)
Officers. A Chair, Vice-Chair, and Treasurer (proposed) are elected from the membership, by the membership, for 2-year terms. Duties include conducting meetings (i.e., Executive Committee and membership meetings) and working with staff in conducting the business of the organization.
Committees. Committees are the backbone of UYWG and centers of activity and outputs. Committees are formed to address specific issues or problems relative to the watershed.
Ideally, committees have a diverse composition of residents, NGOs, and agency representatives. Each committee creates their own charter of what they will focus on, how they will operate, and who will serve as their chair(s). Committees provide updates for UYWG meetings, generate content for newsletters. An Executive Committee, composed of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Committee Chairs provides governance and fiduciary oversight. The UYWG Coordinator serves as Secretary.
The standing committees in 2022 are Fish, Wildlife, and Recreation, Paradise Valley Working Lands Group, and Drought Planning. Other committees may be formed as the need and interest arises.
E. Meetings. Four quarterly meetings, including a summer “picnic” will be held. Meetings will be of general interest, with brief committee reports, one or more presentations of broad interest, and fellowship. In addition to general watershed meetings, plan to host 1-2 “field trips” annually, centered around restoration, river clean-ups, student fairs, etc. Throughout the year, committees will be meeting routinely, and they can host their own events.
F. Organization. The Upper Yellowstone Watershed Group is a program of the Park County Conservation District (Tax ID # 81-0444222). Donations to UYWG are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law under Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code. In addition, the Montana Watershed Coordination Council acts as a fiscal sponsor where a 501(c)(3) entity is required.